Biotecnika Job Updates

  Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (CPL) is one of India's most reputed, research-based, techno-savvy pharmaceutical companies with a focus in...

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  Interested candidates fulfilling the following requirement can submit their bio-data along with attested copies of certificates in support of...

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Walk-in-Interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow @ NBRC
  NATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH CENTRE (NBRC), Manesar-122 050, Gurgaon, requires “Senior Research Fellow” funded by Department of...

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Number of openings in various projects at VPKAS, Almora
    .adslot-overlay {position: absolute; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); border: 2px solid...

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Animal Biotechnology project at SCTIMST requires a JRF candidate
Applications are invited for the following Project positions for a DST project entitled ‘The effects of maternal sleep deprivation on...

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Interview will be conducted for one JRF position under DBT project at Assam University
Interview will be conducted for One (01) Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position under the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India funded...

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Eligible Candidates are invited to attend a Walk-in-interview at NIIH, Mumbai
Eligible Candidates are invited to attend a Walk-in-interview on 24 th July, 2012 , Tueseday between 9.30 and 10.30. a.m. for the following posts on...

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Metahelix an agricultural biotechnology company seeks to fill Scientist position
Metahelix is an agricultural Biotechnology company focusing on developing traits and technologies for crop protection & improved productivity....

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